This year we completed editing and post production on Fishing with Dynamite, the feature documentary produced in collaboration with Jenny Mead and Bidhan (Bobby) Parmar at the Olsson Center for Applied Ethics at the Darden School of Business at the University of Virginia. The film premiered at the Virginia Film Festival, where it won the Commonwealth Award for best Virginia-produced film, and will go into distribution with Aspiration Entertainment in 2020.
Fishing with Dynamite vividly shows how corporations and Wall Street…and their obsession with short term profits…are blowing up American capitalism. And how we can put it back together. The documentary exposes the destructive effects of “maximizing shareholder value” capitalism and celebrates “stakeholder” companies that meet the needs of employees, customers, suppliers, investors, and the community and environment.
Featured in the film are political pundits Robert Reich and Arthur Brooks and company founders John Mackey (Whole Foods Market), Jim Sinegal (Costco), and Kip Tindell (The Container Store). The film is based on the scholarship of Darden professor Ed Freeman and features remarkable animation sequences created by Jonah Tobias and a brilliant music score by Ben Sollee.